Partly inspired by Celest (I never played it but from what I saw it looks cool), I also watched GMTK videos about it's platforming mechanics, and just platforming mechanics in general. Made with GDevelop for Game Off game jam 2023, This isn't really a game that should have been made with the amount of time I was given, because it's very short and not very polished, also I am publishing it about 5 days before the jam ends, but I had a lot of fun and I'm pretty proud of this prototype. I could totally continue to add more levels, more bosses, this cool 3d style, new areas, and puzzles maybe with the lava and ice, I also was working on dash reseters (I'm not sure that's a real word), which reset your dash so you can dash twice or more, also gives you an extra jump but didn't manage to implement it, I also tried to work on the dash being in multiple directions not only left and right also maybe lore and story, and a whole lot more stuff. If I do decide to continue this project. Credit goes to Hothead2167 (My friend who help me with ideas and also tried to help me with artwork but I couldn't implement it in time (he is very good), and IDoSomeStuff (Me). There was supposed to be a cool boss in the last level but I ran out of time. Cover and background for the page made with Microsoft Paint. Specifically the background for the page I resized using Piskel. Link to the GitHub repository:, probably should add more to it, for example the screenshots and cover I used In Thank you!!! 

16.08.2024: Since I decided to change my username and this game had my old nickname in it, I went ahead and changed, because the game jam is already over for a while, and giving it a small update probably won't do anything bad. Then I realized that I had the GitHub repository and so I had to change it, unfortunately I made this change so bad that I had private the previous page and make a new one. I don't think this is that bad, but the new page doesn't have as much files as before. But I should be more careful next time. This was probably not worth it considering it's just me changing my username, I might even change it back. But now even GitHub has this new username. If I do change back to my old username I'll probably not change the GitHub repository again. But there is still some good out of this, since I was updating the game anyways, I made some quality of life updates, specifically to major problems: The first problem was that when people fell out of the map they ended back up at the first level, this was not a bug, this was a feature, because I thought it would be more realistic to have the character fall back to the main level like falling from a mountain. This was very annoying, so I made it so just like when you fall into lava or on the spikes, when you just go back to the same level you are on. The second problem was that some people didn't see a difference between the fake and the real goal, the difference is that there is a blue mark in the middle, I even added a tutorial text after the first fake goal which wasn't didn't lead to any trap. But some people still didn't get it. So I tried to fix this by adding a bigger blue mark and then adding the same text near the second fake goal which was the one which was actually a trap. The bigger blue mark kind of defeats the purpose of it, which is that it can trap people if they don't fully think their actions out, but if they think a bit they can realize that it's a trap. But at least now people won't be annoyed. Anyways, I probably shouldn't have spent so much time on this because the change of a username really isn't that important, but I did, at least I fixed some issues. So yeah!!!

Updated 25 days ago
StatusIn development

Development log

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