Less development, less devlogs...

I missed two devlogs now... I am probably going to make another make up devlog later. But I don't think I'll do it right now. I still don't really have any news for HeartRuin because I am a bit busy and when I do get free time I spend it on something else. Also now I have decided to give myself four days to finish Scale of Perspective which was the Game Jam game I recently made. Yes I know, I haven't made much progress on HeartRuin and now I'm back to doing something else again. But again I'm only giving myself 4 days... The 4 days I'm still have free time but... Ok yeah. But I feel if I finish this I would restore faith in myself as a game developer after not working on any of this for so long. Also it's four days again like the jam. Today I haven't made much progress... Uhh... But I'm trying. Ok, so this is a bit sadder devlog, but I promise I'm trying. So yeah!!!

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