So much bugs!!!

I have deleted some old screenshots and added some new ones. (I also added an early design for the character, as well as the old and new design of the Bobs, although the in the newer version they are sleeping). In any case, this devlog is me sort of making up for that missed devlog. There are so much bugs in the game!!! First of all, the game has some weird resolution issues. When the character walks diagonally the camera starts to shake, and the resolution also messes with a lot of other things... Also as I already mentioned in the last devlog, I need to code the Bobs' pathfinding, and not stacking on top of each other. These aren't so much bugs, as they are incomplete features, but they are still going to be hard to code... I wonder if instead of GDevelop I should have used Godot. I mean, I know Python, which is very similar to GDscript in Godot... And I tried to code some projects in Godot before which went pretty great. I also was planning to use Godot for my next game. Meanwhile with GDevelop, the visual scripting might actually make everything harder due to it being somewhat limited. Maybe I should learn JavaScript, since it seems that GDevelop supports that... In any case... Wait a minute... Godot... GDscript... GDevelop... Coincidence??? (Also sorry, the images are a bit small and unorganized because I screenshotted them very quickly). So yeah!!!

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